Flippin’ Fabulous!
Ahh I’m so excited about this! If you’re looking for something to do with the kids in the easter holidays then I think I may have found the perfect place that will keep them amused for hours and (hopefully!) tire them out…

The world’s biggest trampoline park, Flip Out is opening in Glasgow this week and I was lucky enough to be invited along to their VIP Launch event after a sneak-peek of the arena on Monday. And I’m not gonna lie, it is fantastic! You need to get yourself along, why not take the kids while they’re off for Easter so they can tell all of their friends that they were one of the first to bounce!? It’s a 63,000 square ft area with a crazy amount of trampolines, foam pits, a helter skelter, football & dodgeball area, parkour and the country’s first ever Ninja Warrior course. Yes, just like the one on the telly! You even get to press the button at the end – amazing! Even the under 7’s area is brilliant and includes a multi-level soft play area – which yes, I was in. Obv.

I took my two little cousins along who are 6 and 4 and they both had a blast! After going in and getting a pair of grippy Flip Out socks and a friendly safety briefing from a lovely and hilarious member of staff, it was time to get going!
*Remember to take £1 for a locker if you have any valuables you want to lock away – those foam pits definietly are NOT the place you want to be losing your phone – seriously. Foam cubes for days. Once that phone/those keys/that loose change has fallen out of your back pocket… see ya never, you can kiss that goodbye. So take your £1 (old OR new, btw) and get yourself a wee locker!*
In the main arena there is an amazing painting of the Glasgow skyline, and I mean this piece of art is literally breathtaking (it maybe doesn’t quite take your breath away as much as all the bouncing does mind you). The city looks alive, bustling and there is so much character in it – you can see it behind all of the trampolines in the picture at the top! It really makes you feel like a proud weegie!
Flip Out like to personalise their arenas to the city that they are in, and so the DJ booth at the Glasgow venue is a replica of the famous Duke of Wellington statue in Royal Exchange Square – complete with the traffic cone on his head and all! You can kinda see it in the picture below but I was too excited and forgot to take a proper picture of it!
The fab thing about Flip Out is that there is no age limit so it really is an amazing day out for the whole family. Kids, mums, dads, grannies, granddads – everyone! I love that on their website they state “if you can walk, you can flip!”. Under 13’s have to have an adult with them for safety, and if you don’t want to jump you can walk round and spectate or watch from the cafe upstairs which has glass windows and loads of refreshments. It’s great to go after your bounce as well because you get really warm, sweaty and extreeeeeemely thirsty! You also burn loads of calories – so why not?

When I visited on Monday, one of the guys who works there was telling me that 10 minutes on a trampoline is the equivalent to running for half an hour! How amazing is that!? I was thinking ‘this guy can’t be serious’… until I started jumping – MY LEGS! Jelly. Absolute jelly. I could feel it in my core and I was totally losing my breath, not good for a 21 year old (ha!) so I’ll definitely be back to get that stamina up. Flip Out also run fitness classes but watch this space as they haven’t started yet in the Glasgow branch although they are going to… and I can’t wait.
I’m thinking running vs. bouncing… Not gonna lie, running makes me annoyed. Sweaty, out of breath, sore feet, sore legs, I could go on. To be honest, I don’t even think I can run properly… but bouncing on the other hand – THAT I can do! And for some reason on a trampoline all I seem to do is smile! It’s a happy, infectious activity that makes everyone want to join in and get fit at the same time. Bonus. And at £10-£12.50 per session at Flip Out where you can use anything in the arena, it’s totally affordable of a day out. That’s better than the cinema! And you’re spending quality time with friends and family and having fun at the same time.

*It might sound obvious but wear comfy clothes because – shock horror – me being me, didn’t. I wore tight jeans which were fine but a bit restricting and I would have definitely preferred to have my comfies on! Take your jewellery off too. Basically follow the rules of P.E at school with regards to clothing!*
Flip Out is looking like it’s going to bring amazing things to Glasgow and I’ll definitely be back.
Find out more here or on Facebook and Twitter
Happy Flipping! It’s flippin’ fabulous!
Amber x
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